WordPress changed my life. but first, let’s see how I reached there…
I still remember the first days that I discovered the world of the Internet. It was about 20 years ago & I was a 14-15 years teenage boy who just discovered the Internet. One of the first things I discovered was Yahoo Mail. The 4 MB free inbox which you can send and receive E-mail! Wow! Isn’t that unbelievable … no? a little bit later I discovered Mail groups which sent you daily content about everything you can imagine!
For me, this amount of information was so exciting. I still remember before that sometimes I waited up to two months for the next issue of my favourite magazine to gain more current information about the things that I loved. Now I can find anything that I want instantly on the Internet! I believe after about 20 years I am getting old to remember all the details and which was first and which was after that!
Get off the internet, so I can use the house phone. Those were the days…
If you never heard that, you were lucky because you never could understand the struggle we had to connect to the internet. Not only the speed with those dial-up modems was horrible but also you need to fight with family for phone line usage. Every time someone picked up the phone it interrupted your connection and you lost lots of things.

back then I was writing articles and mail posting them (yes old snail mail) to different magazines. some of them had a chance to get published too! a little while later I discovered that I can also publish content on the internet. I still remember the first time that I discovered that I can save a document as HTML for publishing on the Internet! the problems were that I didn’t know where to put that HTML file back then.
I was trying to understand how to publish those HTML pages on the Internet and then suddenly I discovered something called Blogger. a free service which I can publish my text on the internet easy and free!. let’s cut the crap and don’t talk about all the old nostalgia. at the end of the story, It was a time that being a blogger meant making effort to publish some real content not only posting half-naked photos on Instagram and having millions of follower and called as a blogger while does not know even know what is a blog!

A little while later I discovered my beloved publishing tool. WordPress an open-source CMS which you can install and have your own blog without any limit! which I am still in love with it even after more than a decade of living with it. it was all started with blogging with WordPress which led me to understand all the other CMS and then web programming, servers, Networking, Cloud infrastructures and…
I did many years of blogging, website creation and e-commerce launching with this lovely WordPress. actually, I am still make living with it. but It is so many years that I am far away from the blogging world. I recently decided to get back to this field again and start blogging again with my favourite blogging tool.

I still do not know what kind of post I will write here or even I did not choose any name for my blog yet! please join my mailing list to keep update with my upcoming posts. (yes, no social page for this blog yet! first I need a name!)
P.S: I decide to use SinaWeblog for my blog name for the moment. this used to be my weblog name many years ago and I will write about anything but not so much deep technology so it will be useful for everyone.
Thanks for reading this so far. this is my first post & I do not expect too many comments. but even one reply will motivate me.
It was interesting, You took me to many years ago.